In these days of social distancing and “safer at home” mandates, you may have more time than ever to finally tackle that home project you’ve been putting off for years. If that project extends to the garage, here are five helpful tips for you to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
1) Make time
Depending on the scope of your project, plan for a full day, an entire weekend or perhaps even a week to accomplish this task. If you make time to get the job done right, you’re ensuring no corners are cut in the process and you’ll end up with an organized garage you’re proud of.

2) Make a plan
Making a plan will help you and your team (if you are lucky enough to have helpers) stay on task to complete your garage organization project. Be sure to assign jobs like cleaning as well sorting, packing and stacking during this process.
3) Create three piles
Ask any professional organizer and they will tell you that the first step in a successful garage re-organization project is to take everything out of the garage and sort it into three piles: keep, donate or throw away.
4) Take inventory
Once you’ve determined what you’re going to keep, take inventory of it all. You should also be thinking about how frequently you use these items. The more often you use an item, the easier it should be to access once you’re done organizing and putting everything away.
5) Enlist the help of a trusted professional
While it’s true that there’s nothing like a newly organized garage to give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, your garage might need a little extra help in terms of its organization systems. Plastic shelves prone to cracking in hot Florida weather, or unstable wire shelving can make even the best-organized garages seem well, unorganized.
This is where a trusted professional offering complete garage storage systems comes into play. Encore Garage has been providing custom garage storage solutions to Southwest Florida since 2005, and specializes in garage cabinets and organizers, perfect for tackling your garage organization project. They are leaders in their field, having transformed thousands of garages into beautiful, clean and efficient spaces. For more information on the many custom garage storage options available, visit Encore Garage or call (239) 949-5584.